Content drop for week ending 3/12


Another week, another bunch of stuff that I found interesting that others might find interesting:

  • Been on a bit of a motivation kick this year so this HBR article identifying four reasons good employees lose motivation resonated with me. The third one is especially important given the pandemic and the state of the world and something I hadn’t really considered before.

  • Nice short primer on DevOps vs DevSecOps. If you want more information on why they should be two separate things check out this podcast from Dev Interrupted which goes a bit deeper on the topic.

  • While on the subject of DevOps here’s a good post on continuous monitoring in DevOps which is something that some folks overlook when they implement DevOps.

  • Tom Cagley has been working on a Code of Ethics for Agile coaches. that’s pretty good. I agree with about everything he’s got on the list (though I tend to form personal relationships with some of the folks I coach)


Content drop for week ending 3/19


Content drop for week ending 3/5